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Top Reasons to Install Energy-Efficient, Low-Flow Toilets

Top Reasons to Install Energy-Efficient, Low-Flow Toilets

If you are looking to save money on your water bills, you may want to consider installing a low-flow toilet in your home. This type of toilet utilizes an average of 1 gallon of water per cycle. On the other, a standard toilet will use around 7 gallons of water per cycle. It was estimated by Northeastern University’s Professor Vladimir Novotny at a 2010 conference presentation that, in the United States, 26 percent of the water used in a household is consumed by the flushing of a toilet.

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He further estimates that installing better functioning flushers may reduce that usage to only about 10 percent per household. We can help you evaluate your toilets to determine if they are high-efficiency units. Prior to calling a professional plumber to receive help with a low-flow toilet installation project, view the benefits of this type of toilet.

Benefits of a Low Flush Toilets

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that during a person’s lifetime he or she will flush a toilet approximately 140,000 times. Toilets manufactured prior to 1995 use 5 gallons or more of water per flush. Low-flow or low flush toilets have been utilized from 1996 and onwards to help conserve water. These types of toilets use 1.6 gallons of water per flush or less.

Low-flow toilets helps the homeowner save thousands of gallons of water per year. High-efficiency toilets offer even more water savings. We recommend choosing a low flush toilet that meets the requirements of your renovation project.

Types of Low-Flow Toilets

  • Dual Flush Toilet –The dual flush low-flow toilet has two buttons. One button is designed to be pushed when flushing liquid waste. It uses only 1.3 gallons of water per flush. If there is solid waste, you have the option of using the other button which uses 1.6 gallons of water to effectively flush and rinse out the bowl.
  • Gravity Toilet –The gravity toilet uses only 1.28 gallons of water per flush. It uses what is often a termed a “siphon” to pull water down through the trapway.
  • 1.0 GPF Pressure-Assist Toilet –This type of low-flow toilet depends on a vessel in the tank that helps monitor water line pressure. When the water line changes, it pushes the water through the toilet bowl at three times the standard flow rate. Its speed quickly cleans out the bowl with minimal water use. Some people complain that the flush is very loud, though.

The trained professionals at Fenwick Home Services Jacksonville FL will be happy to discuss the three types of low-flow toilets with you to help you save money on your bills. We are more than happy to answer any questions that you might have, and determine which toilet will best fit your family’s needs.

How to Increase the Efficiency Of Your Current Toilet

If switching to an energy efficient low flush toilet is not in your budget, then you can discuss ways to make your current toilet more efficient by talking to the professionals at Fenwick Home Services in Jacksonville FL. For example, you can also fill a plastic water container, such as a milk jug and place it in your toilet’s tank. The jug will take up space in the tank so it does not fill with as much water. This can quickly and easily reduce your toilet’s water use. Some toilets also have a hidden leak. Placing food coloring into your toilet’s tank will help you see any leaks so they can be promptly fixed.

Consider a Composting Toilet For Your Bathroom

Some people may opt to make a drastic change, and do away with conventional toilets in their home all together. Although not that common, a composting toilet relies on no water. A composting toilet collects the waste in a specially-designed pit or vault. The waste then decomposes naturally without the use of any water. Waterless urinals also allow liquid to pass through special oil to eliminate any odors. Although not that common in a home, a waterless urinal is an effective way to dispose of liquid waste.

If you want to conserve water when using a toilet in your home, talk with the professionals at Fenwick Home Services in Jacksonville FL to explore all the ways you can save on your water bill and help the environment. In addition to toilet repair and installation services, we also offer other solutions such as water heater repair, water line installation, and sewer line repair.

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