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Prevention is Key to Proper Plumbing

Prevention is Key to Proper Plumbing

As a homeowner, being able to keep up with all of the maintenance around the home can feel like a full-time job. Many things have to be done to ensure the home is in proper working order and everything is running properly. Plumbing is one of the many components of your home that has to be maintained throughout the entire year. By making your way through the checklist, you can make sure any problems are handled before they spiral out of control and end up costing you a fortune.

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When thinking about the various residential plumbing services in Jacksonville FL, first realize the amount of pipes and appliances that make up the system. Not only does this cover the plumbing system, but it also covers the toilets, showers, sinks and bathtubs throughout the entire home, as well as the laundry facilities in the home encompassing the utility sinks, drains and washing machine.

1. Look for any signs of leaks that are exposed within the pipes where they run through the walls and foundation of the home. Check for watermarks or puddles of water to determine what residential plumbing services will meet your needs.

2. Check for any signs of corrosion. Corroding pipes can cause leaks and a bad connection in the pipe if they aren’t corrected. Signs of corrosion include green stains surrounding any copper and brass fittings, as well as on the shutoff valves, and any orange or yellow stains on the old steel pipes.

3. Test your water pressure. Water pressure is the amount of force the water emits from the sink faucets and the showerheads. If you have low water pressure, that might be a sign of sediment building up in the showerhead or the faucet. It can also be a sign of a problem within the water line itself. Remove the showerhead and examine it for any sediment that could have collected in it. This can also be a cause of the low water pressure.

4. Check all of the sinks, tub drains and shower drains to examine the speed at which the water drains. Slow drainage is often an indication of a clog in the drain or a blocked pipe. Drains should have a full swirl when it comes to drainage. If bubbles surface when the water is draining, that normally signals a problem that you need someone with plumbing experience to handle. When gurgling sounds occur, you might have a problem with the vent.

5. Check the inside parts of the toilet and the flushing handle. Flush all of the toilets to make sure there isn’t a problem with them flushing properly. Check all of the different parts inside of the toilet tank to see if there are any missing, rusted or broken parts. Make sure the water doesn’t continue running after you flush it and make sure there aren’t any signs of water surrounding the toilet on the floor.

6. Look for any cracked tiles around the sinks, near the water pipes or in the shower throughout the home. Hollow or loose tiles can be a sign of a leak causing rotting behind or underneath the tile. Water going through the cracks will resemble a plumbing leak like the one you find on your ceiling.

7. Check to see if the caulking is coming off in the tub, toilet or sink. Examine the areas for mildew, which is often caused by a large amount of standing water that might have evaporated.

8. Pull and push gently on all of the toilets to see if they move or rock.

9. Look on the inside of the burner chamber for the water heater. See if you notice any flakes of rust on the inside of the chamber. Check the water heater flame, which should be blue in color with no yellow. If you find a yellow color, this might mean that the jets are in need of cleaning. Avoid draining the water heater to eliminate any sediment that has accumulated inside of it.

10. Turn all of the faucets on inside of the home to see if you can find any water coming from the handles or valves.

11. Check all of the hoses on the washing machine to make sure no cracks exist and the hoses aren’t leaking or brittle. Washing machine leaks tend to be one of the common claims for insurance.

By taking the time to run through the checklist on an annual basis, you can protect your home from potential problems with the plumbing. By addressing these problems regularly with someone who handles residential plumbing services in Jacksonville FL, you can prevent the situation from becoming worse than what it is already, which helps you keep more of your money in your pocket.
