Comfort is on the Horizon

Fenwick Plumbing Service Blog

Eight Ways to Green Your Kitchen and Bathroom

Practicing green alternatives is an excellent way to reduce your carbon footprint, lower your energy bills, and make a difference in the environment. With a few small adjustments to your home, you can live green with ease.Install a Low-Flow Showerhead Your shower…
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How to Choose the Right Faucet

One of the most important features of your bathroom or kitchen renovation is the faucet. Simple enough, right? Not anymore. The latest styles and innovations added to the creation of faucets makes it more difficult to find the right one to…
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5 Things to Check Before You Call a Plumber

At any time, we can develop an issue with our plumbing and pipes. No matter how well our plumbing systems are built and maintained, a problem is an eventuality we all have to be prepared for. It can happen at…
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The Facts about Bottled Water

We don’t really think about it. We purchase a bottled water from the convenience store in the morning, then another one at lunch, and just one more on the way home from the gym. That’s three bottles of water a…
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Clogged Drains – How They Happen and What You Can Do

With the exception of sticking your hand in your garbage disposal and feeling around, it may be difficult to really know if your garbage disposal is clogged and the severity of the clog. So what can you do when you…
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