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3 Things to Do When Your Kitchen Drain Smells Bad

3 Things to Do When Your Kitchen Drain Smells Bad

What is that foul smell in your kitchen drain? Before you call the plumber, here are a few home remedies you can try to get rid of those putrid odors in your kitchen on your own.

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There’s a foul odor emitting from your kitchen drain, and you have no earthly idea what could be causing it. All you know is that it smells like something died in there. Think about the amount of waste that runs through your drain each day. Meats, cheeses, and other food scraps are constantly being scraped down the drain of your kitchen sink. If they become lodged in the drain, they can start to spoil and really let off a stench. So, how should you go about getting rid of these kitchen odors?

In the most severe cases, it will be necessary for you to call a plumber; however, here are a few tips that you can try first before making that call.


1. Cut Up Some Lemons

If your kitchen sink has a garbage disposal, cut up a lemon (or any type of citrus fruit will work) into small chunks or wedges. Turn on your water and let it run until it is very hot. With the hot water running, throw half of the chopped lemon or chosen fruit into the garbage disposal. Let the hot water run for about 30 seconds after the garbage disposal is done. Repeat the process with the second half of your chopped fruit. It is guaranteed that you will notice an immediate improvement in the smell.

2. Use a Liquid Multi-Surface Cleaner

If you don’t have a garbage disposal or don’t have any citrus fruits around the house, you can opt for Pine Sol or any type of cleaning agent that has a pungent citrus smell to it. It should work just as well. Add the chosen cleaner, a tablespoon, at a time to your drain with the hot water running. Repeat it 2-3 times, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how great your kitchen suddenly smells!

pouring dish soap down the kitchen sink

3. Use Dish Soap

On a final note, to keep from having to call a plumber about clogged trains, once every 3 months, you should add 2 tablespoons of liquid dish soap (Dawn is the preferred brand!) and two quarts of hot, boiling water to your kitchen drain. This is seriously going to cut back on the amount of sludge and grease that accumulates in your drain over time, and it will also assist in getting rid of those foul odors. By following these few simple tips, you will have your foul-smelling drains smelling better in no time!

When All Fails, Call Fenwick Home Services

If you’ve already tried these 3 tips on your own without success, it may be time to call Fenwick Home Services for a reliable Drain Cleaning Services. Chances are that smell emanating from your kitchen drain is a symptom of a larger problem such as a severe clog. Our team of Professional Plumbers has plenty of experience and tools to help get your sink back to working as it was designed to. If you reside in Jacksonville, FL, and surrounding areas don’t hesitate! Call us at 904-478-1635 or Book an Appointment Online.
